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Preaching Notes – Sunday 22 September 2024

Last week, Jesus explained that as the Christ (in Hebrew: Messiah), He must go to Jerusalem, suffer many things and be killed (Mark 8:27-35). Recall the wildly misplaced expectations of everyone, including His disciples, that the Christ (or Messiah) would ride triumphantly into Rome, sack the cruel Roman oppressors and restore the glory years of King David.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus patiently seeks to correct the lingering misunderstandings of everyone, including His disciples (9:30-37). Jesus keeps trying to open minds and change hearts to God’s better way. He deeply desires they come to realize God’s action in and through Jesus will establish God’s Reign not as a Messiah of worldly power and military might, but will bring God’s Kingdom as Messiah Who gives Himself to death out of love for us and for our salvation.

After His initial Passion prediction in last week’s Gospel account, Jesus explained: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34).

After His second prediction in today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “If anyone wishes to be first,
he shall be the last of all and the servant of all” (Mark 9:35).

Notice the hallmarks of following Jesus as His disciples:

  • We must be of service,
  • We must be last not first;
  • We are not to be self-promoting, but self-offering

Then Jesus shows them what He means.

Jesus takes a child, sets the child among them puts his arms around the child, saying: “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” (Mark 8:37)

The biblical word “receive” means “welcome” and “to take to yourself”. Said differently, followers of Jesus are not to be out there calling their own shots. Indeed, little children do not tell us what to do.

  • They are brimming with excitement to receive!
  • They are expecting to discover new ways and celebrate new possibilities!
  • They are receptive to what they are told and shown.

Like such a child, the disciple of Jesus – a genuine follower of Jesus – is open and expecting of divine grace and mercy. So too, are communities of intentional disciples, be it the domestic church that is the family or the larger parish.


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