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What is an ACTS Retreat?

An ACTS Retreat is a parish-based event that offers parishioners an opportunity for a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. This in turn promotes intentional Christ-centered discipleship.

ACTS Retreats are given by parishioners for parishioners, and in this way, serve to build Christian community at the parish.


The ACTS retreat begins Thursday evening and ends with Sunday Mass in the parish.

While utilizing prayer, service, and teaching, the ACTS Retreat meets people where they are in their spiritual journey and invites them to experience God in a manner that is both personal and communal.

In this way, the ACTS Retreat fulfills the mission of:

“Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ among Catholic communities through ACTS.”

Mark your calendars now for the next ACTS retreats for Christ the King Parish, held at the Weber Center in Adrian, Michigan.

Women’s ACTS retreat:  November 7-10, 2024
Men’s ACTS retreat:  March 20-23, 2025

It’s Spiritual Reflection…

The ACTS Retreat experience is rooted in the Pascal Mystery in that retreatants are invited to reflect on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And Spiritual Surrender

Throughout the weekend, retreatants are invited to prayerfully consider how they can respond to His love by spiritually surrendering to Jesus in order to have new life with Him.

This invitation is extended through the pillars of the Apostolate


Responding through prayer and worship to receiving God’s gifts of grace, mercy and love.


Living and participating in the One Body of Christ as Church, beginning with the parish.


Deepening our relationship with God through prayerful study to better understand and fulfill His will for our lives.


Answering the call to discipleship by following the model Christ gave us.

Immediate Impact

After Attending

Those who attend an ACTS retreat share in an experience that has impacted more than one million lives worldwide since the first retreat in 1987. There are numerous testimonies describing retreatants who were evangelized through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. They witness to becoming better fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and children.

Parishes have been revitalized, diaconate classes have been filled, and all seek to deepen their relationship with Christ through prayer and service.

The Results

As a result, ACTS is supported by bishops and priests worldwide as a legitimate participant in the Church’s New Evangelization. Through ACTS, the laity respond to their baptismal call, and seek to participate in the apostolic mission of the Church to “go and make disciples of all nations,” and this has been found to be good.

ACTS Missions Vision

Through the ACTS retreat, ACTS Missions provides the spark that ignites Catholics, worldwide, with the true eternal flame of the Holy Spirit. As an instrument of God, ACTS is the light that will bring about the New Evangelization to the entire world by fostering love and true discipleship, leading others to a commitment and obedience to Our Lord Jesus Christ by our every word, action and thought.
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