First Reconciliation & First Eucharist
Every family participating in our parish faith formation will have an opportunity to grow in intimacy with Christ Jesus through a process of conversion that is shaped by these objectives:
To provide an environment in which our children are enabled to build and deepen their relationship with God
To foster a culture aimed at the pursuit of truth
To promote growth in virtue
Classes meet Sundays (September – April) 11: 05 am to 11:55 am in the school.
Sandi Trabbic
(419) 475-4348 ext.131
Children in 2nd Grade prepare to receive two Sacraments.
- FIRST RECONCILIATION is celebrated in January.
- FIRST COMMUNION is celebrated in May.
Sandi Trabbic
Director of Children’s Faith Formation
(419) 475-4348 ext.131
Grade 8
All children in 8th Grade, prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation which typically is celebrated in the Spring.
Jen Badoni
Youth Evangelization Coordinator
419-475-4348 ext. 112