Preaching Notes – Sunday 20 October 2024 “Worry Less, Live More” 3 of 3
Our Gospel reading today culminates Jesus’ extended explanation of what it means to be His intentional disciple (Mark 10:35-45). As we have progressed through these special
Our Gospel reading today culminates Jesus’ extended explanation of what it means to be His intentional disciple (Mark 10:35-45). As we have progressed through these special
Last week, Jesus explained that as the Christ (in Hebrew: Messiah), He must go to Jerusalem, suffer many things and be killed (Mark 8:27-35). Recall
“Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him” (Mark 8:32). For what reason does Peter strongly admonish Jesus? Peter reprimands Jesus for speaking about
Today BLESSED PALMS provide a notably festive feel. We receive them entering church and raise them during the procession. They also signify Jesus’ conquering victory
In John’s Gospel, the “world” is precisely where God’s creative and saving love is experienced (John 3:14-21). Some Christians mistakenly see the world only as