Preaching Notes – Forgiveness Series 3 of 3 (March 16, 2025)

Forgiveness is a PRACTICE; an ACT OF THE WILL – it’s not a feeling.

Forgiveness happens when:

  • With God’s help, I stop wanting to offend someone for their having offended me.
  • With God’s help, I stop wanting to hurt someone for their having hurt me.

Turn and talk openly with our Merciful God who wants to speak words of forgiving love. With shame and guilt the devil tries every deceptive and sinister way to prevent this from happening.

God’s merciful love is greater than our sins and those of the entire world. The God of the Universe descended from heaven to earth, and permitted Himself to be nailed to Cross for us. He let His Sacred Heart be pierced with a lance, and in doing so opened the source of mercy for us – blood poured out for “the forgiveness of sins.”

So, then, if Jesus can forgive us and does forgive us, what reason can we possibly give for not forgiving ourselves?


When memories cause us trouble, turn and talk openly to God. Resist the temptation to be consumed by the painful memory of the sins we have committed. God might just heal us this instantly; other times, it requires more practice going to God and He heals more slowly and gradually.

Resolve today that every time you remember those past sins that make you wince – including those sins that have already been dealt with in confession – you will turn and talk openly to God asking God for deep healing.


Sometimes the temptation to despair overwhelms: “Look at all the misery that my sins caused other people, and most of this I can never set right.”

Yes, most of it we ourselves can never set right. But God can. And God will if we ask Him. Even if we do not see how God brings all things around to serve His plan, we can trust that He will accomplish it.


God’s forgiveness is a free gift and a fact; it’s not a feeling. Forgiveness is practiced. The devils tries to deceive us with feelings that we cannot possibly be forgiven. When this temptation happens, don’t think about your own feelings, instead think about Jesus’ feelings about you. Turn and talk openly to God.

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