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Preaching Notes – Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God (January 1, 2025)

Worldly misunderstanding posits peace merely as what follows the ending of hostility, be it between nations or within people. In this way, peace is something humanity makes happen.

The bible, however, reveals peace fundamental is God’s gift that He delights delivering to those who are properly disposed to receive it.  Near Bethlehem, the multitude of heavenly host with the angel joyously announce:

“Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace among those with whom God is pleased!” (Luke 2:14)

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is both the source and dispenser of real peace. He rescues us from the irritable restlessness caused by sin when right relationship with God is disrupted.

Augustine of Hippo (+430) whose restlessness agonized until he encountered Christ Jesus through adult baptism, describes peace as, “the tranquility of order.”

Order is God’s domain. God created us and did so in such a way that we, with His help, can discover Him. We are made for God because God created us so. Those who dare to honor right created order and sincerely love God come to experience deep peace. Conversely, those who depart from the created order, even slightly, lose their peace in proportion of their deviation from it.

Peace is the soul’s refreshment in the midst of life’s struggles and sorrows – not our escape from them.

The real reason our hearts ache for peace is that we have been made by God for God.

God promises peace to those upon whom His favor rests and this happens when our lives are rightly ordered.

  • When we sincerely are seeking to do what is right and just.
  • When we are eager and willing to follow God’s direction.
  • When we commit to adhering to God’s ways, even though difficulties and obstacles arise and sacrifices are required.

If we want peace, then we must give ourselves to God without hesitation, certain that if God asks anything of us He will also give us the straight to carry it out.

This is precisely what the shepherd do! Upon hearing God’s message, they leave everything, including their own comfort, and make their way in haste to Bethlehem. They are the first to behold Jesus and the first to taste the pure delight of God’s Peace.

  • Peace happens when we are united with God.
  • Peace happens when there is no competition between God’s way and our way.
  • Peace happens when God’s plan obediently and cheerfully is accepted as our plan.

Intentional disciples don’t seek peace. Instead, they dare to love God. And in their wholehearted pursuit of God, they receive God’s gift of peace.

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