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Preaching Notes – Sunday 13 October 2024 “Worry Less, Live More” 2 of 3

In today’s Gospel, Jesus reveals that human impossibilities can become possibilities when we connect with God in our impossible struggles (Mark 10:17-30).

Jesus encounters a man who ran up to Him, knelt before Him and puts this question to Him:

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Jesus first responds that the man must live according to the demands of the Torah, the Law of Israel. Interestingly, Jesus lists only those commandments that are interpersonal: you shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false witness, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.

The danger poised to a rich person will be mistreating another others, using them, exploiting them for even greater material gain.

Then looking lovingly upon the rich person, out of the reservoir of infinite love, Jesus invites him to reach beyond the traditions of Israel and to enter into a new way of life which is Christian discipleship.

Jesus says: you need to do one thing more – come and follow me.

For this man his material belonging have become an utter impossibility and condition to discipleship, though it is for us all to recognize the conditions we place on trusting God. How often negative emotions arising from common human struggles can become such an impossible barrier, especially when we have not learned how to connect with God, how to make our way to God when negative emotions are elevated.

Jesus instruction is clear: follow me.

No longer is God’s commandment to be a good Jew. Now God’s commandment is to take on the way of Jesus Christ. This is a vocation to Christian discipleship.

How hard it is to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven! Indeed, how hard it is rid ourselves of self-absorption. How especially hard becomes when negative emotions have us off balanced and increasingly self-absorbed.

God makes that which is impossible for us, possible!

Connecting with God in the midst of our struggles is the pathway to joy. Naturally we cannot save ourselves in this life or in the life to come. Supernaturally our struggles can be lessened and quite possibly removed by God when we connect with God in our struggles – not trying to change the negative feelings connected with them.


4 biblical Steps to connect with God when I am feeling worried, anxious and afraid

Practice Relinquishment

START: Ask God to reveal one situation that is troubling you. With this one troubling situation in mind:

  • STEP 1           Admit to God what you fear most about this situation might happen
  • STEP 2           Place the situation into God’s hands
  • STEP 3           Tell God that you will accept whatever He allows to happen
  • STEP 4           Acknowledge that God’s ways are always better than ours

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