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The Annunciation

The feast of MARY’S ANNUNICIATION heralds the mystery of the INCARNATION on March 25 – exactly 9 months before Jesus’ Birth. However, this year the date landed during Holy Week and is transferred to the first available calendar opening, which is today, April 8.

The INCARNATION is the greatest proof of God’s love for us.  God dares to become human to save us from our sins and restore us to personal unencumbered loving relationship with Him! Jesus does not descend to us as a spirit. He truly became human, one like us in all things but sin. He receives His human nature from Mary’s immaculate womb.

The INCARNATION makes possible Jesus’ work at Nazareth, His preaching and miracles throughout Galilee and Judea, His suffering, death and resurrection for us and for our salvation.

Christ Jesus is the center of the universe, Lord and King of all creation.


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