School Council
The School Council is composed of appointed members of the Parish plus the Pastor, Principal, Assistant Principal, and Recorder who are ex-officio members.
The purpose of the Council is to advise the Pastor and Principal on matters concerning the Parish School, to assist in formulating and defining school policy, and to serve as the liaison between the school and parish community. The term of office is three years with no member serving more than two consecutive terms.
Meetings are held on Tuesdays of the first week during designated months. Concerns that affect the school may be brought before the Council by any Council member. Individual parishioners may submit particular matters in writing through members of the Council. If a parishioner wishes to be on the agenda of a meeting, prior written notice of his/her intent and the subject of his/her intention must be given to the Council President ten days in advance of the meeting.
Jim Bingle
Jeff Marchal
Stephanie MacDonald
Stephanie Sigworth
Kris Gerdeman
Caitlin Acampa
Mandy Lewandowski
Liz Snavley
Stephanie Grimm