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Preaching Notes – Sunday, 11 August 2024

The food God graciously provides the exhausted and terrified prophet Elijah in our First Reading (1 Kings 19:4-8), is another example of Old Testament foreshadowing of what Jesus actually fulfills in today’s Gospel: “I am the bread of life” (John 6:48).

All that happens in the Old Testament always is outdone in the New Testament.

The journey across the earthly stage is hard. And for some among us, right now the future looks beyond impossible – catastrophe has struck, hearts have been pierced, enormous uncertainties threaten.

Just as God provided for Elijah, so God desire beyond imagining miraculously provides for us.

On our part, simply be real with God. Like Elijah, sincerely cry out to God in your distress.

Sooner or later, we all realize, “Please God, help me! I am not strong enough. I can’t do any longer do it on my own. Help me, please!”

And our blessed Lord tells us – actually, commands us – to arise and eat at the altar. At every Mass,  Jesus Himself offers to us His Real Presence, His very Body and Body, to strengthen us in order that we will persevere.  Jesus perfectly knows our weakness, even if we will not yet admit it and graciously desires to make miraculous provisions for us.

It’s why we come to Mass.

LORD JESUS CHRIST, give us an ever greater awareness of what happens at every Mass. Graciously give us a glimpse of Your power – grace – and through your miraculous Eucharist, let us receive peace for our weary souls.



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