Preaching Notes – 4th Sunday of Advent [December 22, 2024]

Mary resolutely sets out for the hill country of Judah (Luke 1:39). It is a difficult journey from Nazareth to the hill country of Judah. Her trek is not a lesson regarding human heroism, however uncomfortable it was for Mary who already herself is with child. What the evangelist Luke intends most to extol is Mary’s on-going openness to God’s Word.

The Archangel Gabriel previously had told Mary that the sign that God is in the actions that are happening is that her cousin Elizabeth is with child. And so, Mary sets out on her journey in response of God’s Word.

  • The action of God sends Mary to Elizabeth.
  • The action of God stirs the child to leap in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary’s greeting is heard.
  • The action of God moves Elizabeth to exclaim: “Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the LORD would be fulfilled.”

Occurrences in our lives are mysteriously touched by God in ways we are unable to comprehend in real time. Sometimes it is only later looking back that we can see God’s action in these events.

Mary’s story is much closer to our story than we might realize.

Can it be said of us: “Blessed are you because you believe in the promises that God makes to you”?

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